Mahindra & Mahindra has hiked the prices of its all models by up to 1.9%, which means customers will now have to pay Rs 4,500 to Rs 40,000 more, depending upon the model & variant selection. The price hike is effective from today. The brand will soon release the updated price list of all Mahindra SUVs. The reason for the price hike is the increased input cost in manufacturing.
As we have informed you at the end of November month that Mahindra will increase Thar's prices from 1st December 2020. However, at that time, the company hadn't revealed the new prices. But now Mahindra has announced that revised prices of second-generation Mahindra Thar will also be applicable for all the bookings made between 1st December 2020 to 7th January 2021. On the other hand, customers who book Thar on or after 8th January 2021 will have to pay the final price applicable during the time of delivery. This statement suggests that Mahindra could again increase Thar's prices in the near future.
Currently, the all-new Mahindra Thar is only available in two trims: AX (O) and LX. The base-spec AX standard & AX variants were discontinued last month as the front-facing rear seat model of the Thar had scored a 4-star safety rating in the Global NCAP crash test, whereas the AX STD & AX trims were offered with the side-facing rear seats & fixed soft top only.
Also Read: 2020 Mahindra Thar SUV: Pros, Cons, And Should You Buy It?
Mahindra Thar is offered with two engine options: 2.0-liter turbocharged petrol (150PS/320Nm) and 2.2-liter turbocharged diesel (130PS/300Nm) unit. Both engines can be had with either a 6-speed manual or a 6-speed automatic gearbox. It also gets a 4×4 drivetrain as standard.
Expect the prices of Thar to be increased by up to Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000. As of now, it doesn’t have any direct rival. But it will soon face competition from the upcoming BS6 Force Gurkha and the Maruti Suzuki Jimny. In fact, Maruti has also begun trial production of Suzuki Jimny at its Gurugram facility ahead of its launch in 2021.
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