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Tesla cars now capable of reading traffic lights and stop signals; the company tells in a press note

An addition that has been teased for years now, all artificial intelligence and autopilot enthusiasts will be enthralled to know that the electric auto giant Tesla is all set to roll out the latest software updates on its partially automated car system which will finally allow the latest cars to see and respond to traffic lights and stop signs.

tesla cars

The latest update that works on the features like the company's cruise control and the auto-steer system is a big positive step towards Tesla's CEO- Elon Musk's aim of converting cars into fully self-drive vehicles by the end of this year. 

Details about the update

After the activation, the feature will help in slowing the car down to stop for traffic lights and stop signs. The company claims that the Tesla cars equipped with this feature can now respond to traffic lights (including both green and blinking yellow).

The driver will need to either pull down the autopilot stalk or press the accelerator pedal to continue through the intersection (even if the light is green).

Where the feature won't work?.   

Tesla cleared in its press notes that the Autopilot still won't be performing turns and it will not be working for intersections like railway road crossings and pedestrian cross-walks.

The press note also said that the drivers should be ready to take immediate actions at all times, including braking.

Company's official statement

In the official press release company asserted that performance may be degraded in certain environments since the update is in 'Beta' mode. 

The company wrote 'Over time, as we learn from the fleet, the feature will control more naturally. Performance may be degraded in difficult environments with pedestrians, rain, direct sunlight or when approaching traffic controls that are obstructed, Therefore, Tesla says drivers should pay close attention and 'be ready to take immediate action at all times, including braking.”

Which Tesla cars will get the update?

The update will be available to all Teslas that come equipped with 'Hardware 3”, the third version of the onboard computer that powers Autopilot.

This particular update has been installed by the company on all its vehicles since last year, the company is also providing upgrade offers for customers that own older Tesla vehicles. 

However, it is important to note that for using the new traffic light and stop sign control, owners will have to pay for the full self-driving version of Autopilot.

Will Musk finally deliver on his promise?  

Musk teased a development version of traffic light and stop sign control feature about three years back in 2018, To quote him 'Your Tesla will soon be able to go from your garage at home to parking at work with no driver input at all”

Though there is no denying the fact that innovations like these require truckloads of research and experimentation and are no cakewalk, this very promise from Musk has been due for some time now and the fact that none of Tesla's current offering is capable of doing this suggest that it can still take some time before this feature hits the roads.