Back in October 2023, the Indian government introduced the Bharat New Car Assessment Program (Bharat NCAP). After three months of its launch, the safety assessment agency has now disclosed its inaugural safety rating, done on the recently launched Tata Harrier and Safari facelifts. Both SUVs received an impressive 5-star safety rating in both Adult Occupants Protection (AOP) and Child Occupants Protection (COP) assessments. Interestingly, they had already secured a 5-star rating from Global NCAP.
Tata Harrier and Safari Bharat NCAP Crash Test Ratings
- Based on the same platform, the SUVs scored 30.08 points out of 32 for AOP and 44.54 out of 49 for COP.
- During the frontal offset deformable barrier test, the SUVs demonstrated good protection for the driver’s head, neck, pelvis, thighs, feet, and left shin. Marginal protection was rated for the driver’s chest and adequate for the knees. On the other hand, the front passenger received good protection in nearly all these areas.
- In both side pole (at 29 kmph) and side moveable deformable barrier (at 50 kmph) tests, the Harrier and Safari showed good protection to the driver’s head, chest, pelvis and abdomen.
- In the Child Occupant Protection (COP) test, the 2023 Tata Harrier and Safari received 12 out of 12 points for the Child Restraint System (CRS) installation, 23.54 points out of 24 in the dynamic score, and 9 out of 13 in the vehicle assessment.
- Unlike other NCAP, the Bharat NCAP crash test reports don’t talk much about the results and performance of the electronic safety features.
Price and Competitors
Currently, the Tata Harrier is priced between Rs 15.49 lakh and Rs 26.44 lakh (ex-showroom), whereas the Safari ranges from Rs 16.19 lakh to Rs 27.34 lakh (ex-showroom). However, they are expected to undergo a price hike in January 2024. However, you can beat the upcoming price hike this month by opting for lucrative year-end benefits on these SUVs.
In the mid-size SUV segment, these two SUVs compete against the likes of MG Hector/Hector Plus, Mahindra XUV700, Hyundai Alcazar and Jeep Compass.