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From Driving Licence To Mobile Phone Use While Driving, Here Are Some Rules That Are Changing From Today

With the objective of increasing commuter related convenience, some new motor vehicle rules are being implemented from today, which are as follows: –

New Traffic rules

  • From today, it will not be mandatory to keep a physical copy of the documents related to the vehicle like driving license (DL), registration certificate (RC), insurance documents, etc. Drivers can store them on their smartphones in central government recognized online platforms like DigiLocker and M-parivahan mobile applications and can show e-copy of the documents as and when demanded by the traffic police. 
  • Both these mobile applications are available on the Android Playstore and Apple's App Store.

how to download digital driving licence

  • Procedures like imposing penalties (Challans) for breaking the rules and repealing a driving license will also happen digitally. E-challans will be assigned on the portal and records of the license being disentitled or disqualified by the authority will be digitally saved on the portal too.

fine while talking on phone when driving

  • Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has also allowed the use of mobile phones for route navigation while driving. However, one should use the mobile in a manner it does not affect the concentration while driving. It is important to note that the mobile can only be used for navigation purposes. A fine of up to Rs 5000 will be charged if found talking on the phone while driving.