Maruti Suzuki India has commenced deliveries of the recently launched Baleno Facelift across the nation. It is priced between Rs 6.35 lakh to Rs 9.49 lakh (ex-showroom), pitting it against the Hyundai i20, Tata Altroz, Hyundai i20, and soon to be discontinued VW Polo. Interestingly, the car has already received over 25,000 bookings since February 8.
Also Read: 2022 Maruti Baleno Vs Rivals: Spec, Price and Features Comparison
The 2022 Baleno is available in four broad trims: Sigma, Delta, Zeta, and Alpha. Except for the base-spec Sigma trim, all the variants get an optional AMT transmission.
Powering the new Baleno is a 90PS 1.2-litre DualJet DualVVT petrol engine with idle start/stop fucntion, paired with either a 5-speed manual transmission or an AMT unit. It is claimed to return a fuel efficiency of 22.35 kmpl with manual and 22.94 kmpl with AMT.
Features onboard the 2022 facelifted Baleno include automatic LED headlamps, rain-sensing wipers, a 9-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Apple Carplay and Android Auto, connected car tech with remote control functions, voice assistant, auto AC with rear ac vents, a heads-up display, cruise control, 360-degree camera, up to 6 airbags, ESC with hill hold assist and much more. Click here for variant-wise features details.