MG Motors India has recently teased the Gloster SUV from its social media handles, revealing its updated model will be launched on August 31, 2022. And since the brand is calling it ‘Advanced Gloster’, the flagship SUV is expected to receive a host of new features. We expect the carmaker to introduce more ADAS features to make it a more prominent offering in its class.
Currently, the MG Gloster comes with a plethora of active safety features, including LEVEL-1 ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) technology that comprises features like adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking, auto parking assist, blind spot detection, forward collision warning, and lane departure warning. It also features a 360-degree camera, electronic stability control, traction control, hill descent assist, electro-mechanical differential lock, and much more. Now with the upcoming set of updates, the SUV is expected to get rear cross traffic alert, lane change assist, and speed assist system.
The 2022 MG Gloster could also receive a few cosmetic changes, along with new paint schemes. However, the front design of the SUV seems largely unchanged in the teaser video.
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We do not expect any changes on the mechanical front. It is likely to retain the ongoing 2.0-liter turbo diesel (163PS/375Nm) and 2.0-liter twin-turbo diesel (218PS/480Nm), both paired to an 8-speed automatic transmission. While two-wheel-drivetrain (2WD) is standard across both engine tunes, the latter also comes with an optional shift-on-fly 4WD system.
Currently, MG retails the Gloster SUV from Rs 31.50 lakh to Rs 39.50 lakh (ex-showroom, pan-India). Expect its upgraded model to command a significant price premium over the existing model. Once launched, it will continue to lock horns with the likes of Toyota Fortuner, Mahindra Alturas G4, Isuzu muX, and Skoda Kodiaq.