Volkswagen has recently launched the Virtus in India. And now, the mid-size sedan helped the carmaker to enters in the ‘India Book of Records’. To be specific, EVM Motors, a Volkswagen’s dealership in kochi, Kerala delivered over 150 units of VW Virtus in a single day and created a national record.
Volksawagen states that they have organised mega delivery events across the country and Kochi’s EVM Motors & Vehicles India Pvt. Ltd. sweep the award. Just in Kerala, the carmaker has delivered over 200 units of the Virtus.
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Speaking on this occassion, Mr. Ashish Gupta, Brand Director, Volkswagen Passenger Cars India said, “We are extremely elated to have the new Volkswagen Virtus create a national record at the ‘India Book of Records’, by being a single model sedan to be delivered in a day by a single dealership. We would like to congratulate our dealer partner EVM Motors & Vehicles India Pvt. Ltd. for this notable feat. We would like thank our customers who were part of this journey and that made us worthy of this recognition.”
Sharing the excitement on the national record, Mr. Sabu Johnny, Managing Director, EVM Motors & Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. said, “It is indeed a moment of pride to be setting a record at the India Book of Records with the new Volkswagen Virtus. With 150 customer deliveries in one day, it showcases the love, trust and the phenomenal response by our customers for Volkswagen. We look forward towards delivering many more Virtus across Kerala and add happy members to the Volkswagen family.”
Volkswagen offers the Virtus sedan in two broad trims: Dynamic Line and Performance Line. While the Dynamic Line trim consists of three sub-variants: Comfortline, Highline, and Topline, the Performance Line comes only in a GT Plus trim. It is currently priced from Rs 11.72 lakh to Rs 18.92 lakh (ex-showroom). Click here for more details.