Launched two weeks ago, the new Mahindra Thar Roxx, essentially the 5-door version of the Thar, has been making a buzz in the market. With this launch, the brand has positioned the Thar as a more feature-rich offering, broadening its appeal to a wider audience. In fact, it even beats the Scorpio N with a few extra features. In this article, we’ll explore the features that the Thar Roxx offers beyond what’s available in the Scorpio N.
1. Larger Touchscreen Infotainment System
The Thar Roxx borrows its infotainment system from the new XUV400, featuring a 10.25-inch display that supports wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. However, CarPlay has yet to be integrated. On the other hand, the Scorpio N is equipped with a smaller 8-inch touchscreen, offering wired Android Auto and wireless Apple CarPlay.
2. Digital Driver’s Display
The Thar Roxx also adopts the digital driver’s display from the XUV400. In contrast, the Scorpio N features a semi-digital instrument cluster with 7-inch colour multi-information display (MID).
3. Panoramic Sunroof
Mahindra offers the new Thar Roxx with a panoramic sunroof, while the Scorpio N gets a single-pane electric sunroof.
Also Read: Mahindra Thar Roxx ARAI Mileage Figures Revealed
4. 360-degree Camera
Mahindra has included a 360-degree camera in the Thar Roxx to make navigating and parking easier. In contrast, Scorpio N owners must make do with only front and rear-view cameras.
5. Electronic Parking Brake with Auto Hold
The Scorpio N features a conventional manual handbrake, whereas the higher variants of the Thar Roxx are equipped with an electronic parking brake, along with an ‘auto hold’ function, making it more convenient for stop-and-go traffic.
6. Level-2 ADAS
The Thar Roxx is equipped with level-2 ADAS features such as emergency braking, lane keep assist, and adaptive cruise control, which are especially beneficial on long expressway journeys. In contrast, the Scorpio N lacks any autonomous driver assistance features.
Also Read: Mahindra Thar Roxx vs XUV700: Which Car Should You Buy?