Mahindra Automotive has revealed its new logo that will debut on the upcoming XUV700, followed by other SUVs that will get it in a phased manner. Unlike the current oval-shaped ''Road-Ahead'' trademark that features three lines meeting in the center, the new Mahindra logo highlights the ''Twin Peaks'' shape that forms an ''M'', giving the automaker a new visual identity.
The new brand logo has been designed by the Mahindra Design Team and will be underlined by the brand’s tag – ''Explore The Impossible''. However, it is worth noting that this new logo will only be employed by the passenger vehicle division of the brand. That means Mahindra’s commercial vehicle and farm equipment division will continue to use the existing logo. This will help to create a differentiation between the company's passenger and commercial vehicles segment. Besides, Mahindra's passenger vehicle dealerships will also move to an entirely new design and color palette. The outlets' renovation will now include Charcoal as the primary color with grey & red accents.
With this, Mahindra will revamp its entire portfolio in the coming years. For those who aren't aware, the Mahindra had already revealed its plan of launching nine new vehicles by 2026, and the invasion of SUVs will be fired up by the new XUV700, which is set to debut on this Independence Day.
The upcoming mid-size SUV will be packed with a host of segment-first features and be much more powerful than its core rivals like Tata Safari, Hyundai Alcazar, and MG Hector Plus. Mahindra is expected to price the SUV between Rs 15.5 lakh to Rs 22 lakh (ex-showroom). Click here for more details.